Isn’t is crazy that we know each other by name, and talk to each other every day, but have never met each other in the physical world. It sure is going to be strange in September when we (hopefully) see each other in person!
Today in class we discussed the positives and negatives of online learning, which I have taken a screen shot of and included below. It was really nice to discuss the struggles we are all feeling with online learning, and to know we are not alone in feeling that way. I especially have been feeling the point made that excessive amounts of close-up eye contact is highly intense (Paskevicius, 2021). However, one huge benefit for me has been the money I have saved in gas as I would have been commuting from Deep cove everyday.
(Paskevicius, 2021, Week 10 Lecture Slides)
One of the topics we discussed today was the difference between synchronous and asyschronous classes. Synchronous classes is when everyone is in “sync” so they are all learning at the same time or in a class at the same time. In this virtual world the students do not need to be in the same room, but can be learning at the same time from different computers. For example, this class EDCI 306 in an online synchronous class. Asynchronous classes are the opposite of that, this may look like learners watching pre-recorded video lectures at their own pace.