Education Specific Courses
EPHE 310: Physical Education: General Class Teach I
EPHE 311: Physical Education: General Class Teach II
EPHE 120: Basketball
EPHE 122: Volleyball
EPHE 134: Yoga
EPHE 106: Track & Field
EPHE 116: Badminton
EPHE 121: Soccer
EDCI 250: Elementary Field Experience Seminar I
EDCI 300: Mathematical Processes
EDCI 302: Literacy and Language
EDCI 303: Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Canadian Education
EDCI 305A: Drama Education: A Medium for Learning I
EDCI 306A: Music in the Elementary Classroom I
EDCI 307A: Art: Elementary or Middle Classroom I
EDCI 336: Technology Innovation: Education
ED-D 301 Learners and Learning Environments
AE 308: Sculpture
AE 319 Photography