Blog # 6 & Final Demonstration of Music Growth
Thank you for a great term Hector! This term sure has gone by so fast because we have been so…
Thank you for a great term Hector! This term sure has gone by so fast because we have been so…
Recourses https://www.wired.com/story/best-educational-games-for-kids/ https://beinternetawesome.withgoogle.com/en_us https://education.minecraft.net Use lessons from subject kits in Minecraft! https://education.minecraft.net/class-resources/lessons https://kahoot.com For teachers: Checkout these podcasts on…
In an effort to feel better, I am trying to stretch a lot. But how does stretching work and what…
Activity: One Point Perspective By Charlotte Junker We did critical analysis on following pieces: ‘Nike Running Shoe…
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“Understanding code helps explain the world” (Paskevicius, 2021). “Learning to code develops problem solving and computational thinking skills”(Paskevicius, 2021). “Coding…
One of the exercises my physiotherapist gave me was band exercises to strengthen my back muscles. The goal of strengthening…
I have been learning “Down by the Bay” for my groups lesson on rhyming which we will be teaching to…
For two seasons I was a volunteer rowing coach for North Saanich middle school. Each year I coached a novice…
Hello! Thank you for visiting my website, if you would like check out my About Me page before reading further….